Time Magazine To Up Hollywood Coverage
I'm told recently appointed managing editor Richard Stengel "wants to bolster" Time magazine's Hollywood coverage and do a better job of covering California in general.
So he's looking to add a reporter who'd write for the publication and for online.
Interestingly, before Stengel was hired, reports said Time Inc editor-in-chief John Huey was looking for a managing editor who would expand celebrity coverage.
In their heyday, the newsmagazines reliably devoted many more covers to the movies than today's trickle.
It used to be quite the coup for flacks to get their upcoming pics promo-ed on Time or Newsweek (and suffer the heartbreak of losing those covers to breaking news), or at the very least score celebs on the covers to illustrate some popular trend or issue.
Now that phenomenon is about as rare as a good movie.
Stengel is already "besieged" with applicants and is talking to some.