Thursday, December 28, 2006

Danny Bonaduce goes off on Sept. 11th conspiracy

Bonaduce fights war
on the home front


An interview about the Iraq war has led to death threats for TV and radio star Danny Bonaduce.

Danny Bonaduce got on the phone yesterday to discuss the latest round of his bizarre feud with 9/11 conspiracy theorists.

It started Dec. 7, when he granted a street interview to a video crew that happened on him by chance. The interviewer claimed Washington knew about 9/11 in advance, prompting Bonaduce to defend President Bush and the Iraq war.

Once the seemingly pro-war video hit YouTube, Bonaduce says, his family started receiving death threats. When abuse and images of maimed Iraqi children were sent through his 12-year-old daughter's MySpace page, the FBI became involved.

"If [the interviewer] had personally offended me or I got death threats and I didn't have children, I would have tracked him down and kicked his skull in, and that would have been the end of that," Bonaduce told us. "But I have children, and you can't behave like that anymore."

The interviewer is a self-described "9/11 Truther" who declined to give his real name. He runs a Christian extremist Web site that accuses Bush of Satanism, among other things.

He told us: "I think [Bonaduce's] delusional. And if you're going to quote me, it's a 'drug-damaged mind.' "

He denied any involvement in the death threats, but wanted to make sure we included his alias and Web site in the story.

Sorry, dude, you're a fruitcake.