Saturday, November 03, 2007

Britney Spears runs over LA Sheriff's foot !!!

BSpearsbump.jpgIn all the chaos surrounding Britney Spears' exit from the courthouse last Friday, accidents are bound to happen - even accidents as crazy as the pop princess running over a cop's foot!

The photo at top was snapped a split second before things went very wrong for the blonde, woman officer walking alongside Brit's Mercedes. Click on the video below and you can actually see the car rising up-kind of like it's going over a speed bump - as the right rear tire passes over the woman's foot.

Of course, if you're watching that closely, you're sure to notice all the rest of the craziness going on - like, for instance, the way the officer in question actually bumps into her fellow officer right before she gets run over! It looks to us like a series of unfortunate coincidences - and in a situation like that, all we can really do is hope everyone's better prepared to avoid accidents like this next time!