Saturday, June 02, 2007

Dear Paris Hilton...

From the official website of the Los Angeles County Sherriff's Dept's Century Regional Detention Facility, where Paris Hilton is due to become an inmate, this will be Paris' mailing address for her jail term:

Inmate name and Booking Number
11705 S. Alameda St.
Lynwood, Ca. 90262
Let's send her some mail for when she's in the clink! Contest in the comment section for the most awesome letter ideas. If we all write her letters telling her to go away and stop being a waste of space, they'll have to deliver them and she'll have nothing to do in the big house but read them for 20something days. Let's make sure that sentence is a punishment no matter what exceptions are being made. I hear they let you get a private cell with a VCR and ice cream if you tell them you have AIDS. If Michael in Party Montster says it, it must be true.