National media reports are prompting a protest organized in Norfolk for this weekend.
Two magazine articles say the U-S-S Eisenhower Strike Group is deploying for the coast of Iran.
What's going on?
Talk of a build-up against Iran started with a Time Magazine article that said the Navy was going to be deploying a sub and a handful of small ships with little notice.
At the same time the Chief of Naval Operations is reviewing plans for a blockade of Iran's oil.
A Navy source says the order has come down for a yet unnamed cruiser or destroyer to get ready to go on short notice.
Time Magazine has speculated that it will be headed for the coast of Iran.
And Friday, an even more inflamatory article in the liberal magazine The Nation says the USS Eisenhower Strike Group which leaves next week could also be headed for a showdown with Iran.
With a peace pole, peace sign in his yard, and a peace tatoo on his arm, that was all Tom Palumbo needed to hear, and he started planning a protest outside the naval base this weekend.
"Be it a handful or hundreds, what's important is that citizens not back down and let this go unchecked."
Palumbo says ships shouldn't be sent until Congress and the public weigh in on the issue.
But there are some issues with the media reports.
"The Ike wasn't supposed to deploy for another month or two, and they said pull out - you're going to Iran," Palumbo said.
The Navy says the Eisenhower was always supposed to deploy in October, and that does fit the schedule that has been in place. The USS Enterprise left in May. The Eisenhower will be it's relief so it can come back in the usual six month period.
But what is confirmed - at least one ship from here will be deploying. And the plans for Iran are being reviewed. It's not clear what that could add up to, but peace activists say they don't like the equation.
"If we can stand up and ask them to stand down," said Palumbo.
Navy officials say as long as the protestors have the right permits, they are welcome to peacefully protest outside the gates of the base.