Now this is a reality series I can embrace: “I’m From Rolling Stone.” If you’re a music person, and especially a contemporary rock/pop/hip-hop/soul/country music person, you’ve probably perused Rolling Stone magazine over the years and said to yourself, “Wow, what a cushy job.
You get to hang out with the artists backstage and drink really good champagne and live vicariously through some of your favorite musicians –- and get paid for it.”
Although Rolling Stone and MTV are a little late catching on to just how many people out there want to write for the mag, their new reality series follows six young writers as they compete for a full time job as a contributing editor.
I’m guessing the winner will be the one splayed out on a green room sofa with a peace sign tattooed on their forehead while gripping an empty bottle of Cristal with a blank Microsoft Word document displayed on their nearby laptop. But I could be wrong. (MTV, Sunday, 10 p.m.)