DJ fight hits airwaves
KFI-AM's Bill Handel denounces KYSR-FM's Jamie White in the studio during her show.

December 16, 2006Clear Channel Radio suspended morning radio host Bill Handel of KFI-AM (640) for one week following an angry on-air outburst Friday morning during Jamie White's show on sister station KYSR-FM (98.7).
Angered over White's off-air comments to his twin preteen daughters, who were visiting the Burbank office where both stations operate, Handel burst into the studio where White hosts her "Jamie, Jack and Stench" show and shouted on the air: "If you ever talk to my kids like that again, Jamie, I'm going to kick your ass!"
Handel also used a harsher obscenity on the air that the station says it bleeped out. White shouted back at Handel to get out of her studio and that he was "nuts."
"We do not condone that kind of treatment of professional colleagues," said Greg Ashlock, local president of Clear Channel Radio, which owns both radio stations.
In a prepared statement issued in the late afternoon, Handel said, "I want to apologize to Jamie and her team for my behavior and how I handled the unfortunate incident this morning. It was simply a reaction of a dad who was protecting his children. I lost my temper, I lost my cool."