Friday, October 31, 2008

Meghan McCain is a Punk Rocker


McCain daughter Meghan: she blogs, she's threatened to get a tattoo, and now she's declaring herself punk as fuck when asked about her friendship with Linda Ramone, wife of Johnny from the Ramones—the band whose punk-rock ethics were offset by many of its members' kneejerk Queens-bred working class Republicanism.

tiga: 【2ch】ニュー速クオリティ:同人絵師がデザインした萌え米袋「あきたこまち」をJAうごが販売
Lydia Hearst Goes As A Page Six Tabloid For Best Halloween Costume Last Night
Amy Winehouse

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Bizarre Video of Joaquin Phoenix Announcing his retirement from acting