Have you ever wanted to be like the Big Brother in G. Orwel`s -1984? Would you like to know what really happened at home or at the office while you were away? Now you have revenge! This low-profile, fully functional and discreet LCD clock hides the digital video camera inside it`s case, so, you can`t notice it.
This motion-activated camcorder will turn on and record full-motion video whenever someone moves into its wide field-of-view; then shut off automatically when activity stops. When you return, simply play the AVI digital video files (with 320×240 pixel VGA resolution) through your computer or laptop using the included USB cable.
That`s pretty cool, now you’ll know who stole your cookie, or put a pin on your chair, while you were having a brake =).
Unlike elaborate, expensive security cameras that require a VCR or television for playback, this discreet device is a simple, self-contained system that is ready to go right out of the box. Just place it on any surface and adjust the camera lens angle by using the reflective positioning dome to see the area covered by the wide-angle 75 view. Press a button to activate the motion-sensitive camcorder, and you have a few minutes to exit before it’s ready to record.
Whether you use the USB cable to download your video files or use an optional card reader, this system features easy “plug and play” viewing with most PC and Mac operating systems. (PLUG-N-PLAY rules!)
This camera gives you up to 12 minutes of video using the built-in 64MB memory; or pop in an SD cards and record as much as you want, as long as the card allows you to.
This unobtrusive clock looks completely natural on a shelf, tabletop, desk or counter; its LCD shows the time and date in large digits. It measures 5 1/2″ x 4 1/2″ x 1 3/4″. Camera runs on 4 AA or plugs in with the included AC adapter. And the Clock requires additional 2 AA batteries. And once again, thanks to the Sharper Image Design folks for creating this unique hidden camera =)